Wow... what a terrible thing to think about. Yet it is at the top of many people's minds. Newsweek used maps made by a professor and historian named Alex Wellerstein to determine the impact of a Russian nuclear strike using their most powerful missile. So, if you're looking for nuke results from a different country... they would most likely look pretty similar.

Wisconsin is low on target lists compared to other states, but if it where to be hit, Milwaukee would be one of the largest targets. These results are based off of

Fallout Shelter Sign on Red Brick Wall

Fun Fact Wisconsin Is Home To The Nike Missile Base

It is reported that this site in particular was in use from the 1950s to the 1970s. It was decommissioned in 1972. The land was somewhat recently given to the city of Waukesha after remediation cleanup.

Wisconsin had a few different sites all around the state. This one had multiple purposes but is no longer operational. You can actually visit this abandoned Cold War missile silo in Waukesha now. This spot was called the Nike Missile Base.

"Only in your state" goes on to say,

Hillcrest Park is tucked away among homes and apartment buildings now and isn't the easiest to find. For those going about their business on nearby Main Street, there's no real sign that just feet away there is a park full of recent history just waiting to be discovered.

Nuclear Bomb

Nuclear Impact On Milwaukee

It is reported that a blast could and would affect people for many miles, but the worst of it is obviously at the drop point.

Severe shockwave damage could extend to about a half mile. Severe thermal damage would extend out about a mile. Flying debris could extend up to a few miles. Initial (prompt) nuclear radiation for a 10-Kt blast could expose unprotected people within about 3/4 mile of the explosion site to lethal radiation dose.


The population of Milwaukee is 561,385. The entire population of Wisconsin is 5.911 million at the time of writing this. The results of a dropped nuke would look something similar to the photo below.

Credit: Google Maps. Edited
Credit: Google Maps. Edited

Do you live in that area, or would you be "safe." Over all compared to other likely targets, Wisconsin cities don't make it into the top ten. Some other targets could be as follow:

  • Superior Wisconsin
  • Madison
  • Racine

See Other Possible Wisconsin Targets Here.

You Could Own The Greatest House In The State Of Wisconsin

There's a home in Wisconsin that everyone in the state would call the best house on the market. The house is reasonably priced for the amount of money you could get out of it. Why does this house sound like a gold mine? Because it sits and looks directly at the heart of Title Town U.S.A., the legendary Lambeau Field, the home of the Green Bay Packers.

Gallery Credit: Cory Blohm, Make A Move Realty LLC

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