Last night I was skimming through my Facebook News Feed and it felt like I was reading the text of a Jerry Springer episode. I came across four of my Facebook 'Friends' complaining about their relationship or recent breakup with their former significant other.

For some, airing dirty laundry (and based on some of these posts, it's pretty damn foul) is therapeutic; they need those 10-15 friends to build up their self-esteem and tell them how awesome they are and they're capable of dealing with that situation.

Their other 200+ Facebook 'Friends' are shaking their heads in disgust.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that all FB posts should be positive and I realize that sad stuff happens in life and it's great that you can convey when things are going well and tell people when things are going poorly.

I'm not the Facebook police and you can post whatever you want, but I can tell you that handling your breakup with class will go a long way to ensure the next person you meet will also have some.


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