Forget whole-hog endorsements from Katy Perry and Jennifer Lopez or support-concerts thrown by Beyonce or Madonna — 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton might have found her greatest cheerleader in an unlikely place:

Her opponent, GOP nominee Donald Trump.

On last night's (November 7) Jimmy Kimmel Live — and just hours before Election Day 2016 officially kicked off — the show's host played a reel that reminded audiences of one very critical thing: Donald used to love Hillary. Yup, long before he chalked her up to a nasty woman, tried fruitlessly to nail her over Benghazi hearings or moved to drum up some unsavory Clinton family history, Trump called Clinton one of the most successful Secretaries of State in United States history — maybe the most successful.

"If you haven't seen this yet, buckle your lap belts, because it is huge," Kimmel says in the clip above before airing interview segments that find Trump singing Clinton's praises.

"Look at what happened during the Clinton years: I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy," Trump commends. "The economy does better under the democrats."

And here are some other adoring sentiments, for good measure:

"She's a really good woman and person."

"I like her."

"I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job."

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