It's a very small sample size, but I'm starting to understand why parents always dwell on how quickly their kids grow up. It's been 9 weeks since my daughter was born and it truly feels like she was born a few weeks ago.

Saturday morning I was on a walk with my parents and we were stopped by a couple I've known since I was a kid (and haven't seen since then either). My Mom was pushing the stroller with my daughter inside and had approached said couple before my Dad and I had joined the conversation.

Of course, one of the first questions I was asked once we caught up to my speed-walking Mom was, "how old is she?" Without hesitation I told them she was 2 months. After we got home I fed her and couldn't stop thinking about how quickly time goes by when you have a child.

I would liken the speed at which life moves to a DVD player; remember when you were a kid and two months felt like an eternity? I would say that's like playing a movie in real-time. Then, you grow up and two months feels like your life is being fast-forwarded at 2x speed. Add a kid into the mix, and that speed increases to 16x.

Parents with several children would probably put your life at a pace my Blu-Ray player can't reach.

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