In what is shaping up to be the most pleasant of Disney’s new live-action offerings, the consistently pleasant Ben Whishaw is in talks to join the similarly quite pleasing Emily Blunt and the equally personable Lin-Manuel Miranda in the indubitably enjoyable Mary Poppins sequel. It may be fairly unsurprising news, but that doesn’t make it any less wonderful.

THR reports that the charming cast of Mary Poppins Returns is about to become a little more charming with the addition of Ben Whishaw, as the James Bond star is in talks to join Rob Marshall’s upcoming sequel. Whishaw, who recently appeared in A Hologram For the King (as an actual hologram), would play the grown-up version of Michael Banks, one of the children featured in the original Mary Poppins film.

In the new sequel, Michael suffers a devastating personal loss that brings him back together with his sister, Jane. Sensing that her services may also be required, Mary Poppins comes to the aid of the older Banks children, along with her “lamplighter friend.” Emily Blunt will play the role of the whimsical Mary Poppins, with Lin-Manuel Miranda as her helpful pal.

Meryl Streep is also in talks for a role in Mary Poppins Returns, which would mark her third film with Blunt following The Devil Wears Prada and Into the Woods. The sequel is scheduled to begin production early next year, and is currently set for a December 25, 2018 release.

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