Have you ever seen those movie ads on TV filled with gushing quotes from critics and thought to yourself, “I saw that movie; it was terrible. Where did they find these positive reviews?” If you have, you’re not alone — and you’re going to love ScreenCrush’s series, Critics Are Raving!, which balances the cinematic scales with trailers full of slightly more accurate (and slightly more negative) lines from reviews. Real critics. Real quotes. Really bad movies. That’s what’s Critics Are Raving! is all about.

For our 17th episode, get ready me hearties! We be sailing into critic-infested waters! Pirates of the Caribbean turned skeptics into believers back in 2003, when The Curse of the Black Pearl became a surprise critical and popular smash. But each Pirates sequel has gotten worse reviews than the movie before it, and the latest, Dead Men Tell No Tales, had the worst reviews of all, with just 29 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Reviews were so bad, that the studio blamed critics for the film’s failure. Clearly, critics were raving, which meant it was time for our YouTube series to shiver some serious timbers.

Want to see what the real critics TV spot for Pirates looked like? Here it is:

This is our 17th Critics Are Raving! trailer, but there are more on the way — if you’ve got a movie (or TV show) you’d like to see featured, let us know in the comments section below or send us a tweet or Facebook message. In the meantime, check out some past Critics Are Raving! trailers. You will be raving about them when you’re finished.

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