I had a blast filling in for Chris this morning on the Y105 Wake Up! It's nice to get out of your routine from time-to-time. Getting up before 5 a.m. doesn't bother me. The downside is that I hit a wall right about now (4:25 p.m.) if I don't get a nap in.

We're asked to blog daily and I just can't think of something good to blog about, so I'm going to lay out the Five Random Facts I revealed this morning during my show:

1.  The oldest person alive today is a woman who was born in 1898 . . . which is closer to the signing of the Constitution than it is to today.  She was born 111 years after the Constitution was signed in 1787 . . . and is 116 years old now.

2.  There are only two countries in the world where divorce is illegal:  Vatican City and the Philippines.

3.  James Bond was almost named James Secretan.

4.  We're distracted by our phones even when we're not using them . . . a study found people who could see their phones did 20% worse on tests than people who couldn't.

5.  Ambidextrous comes from the Latin word ambidexter, which literally translates to "right-handed on both sides."

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