The 'Morning Mindbender' this morning stated that according to a survey by Teen Magazine, 31% of the teen girls responding said the most embarrassing thing dad could do in front of their friends is...

...take off his shirt.  Followed by the always awful fart or belch.

It's funny this question came up today, as my wife and I just had a conversation about this last week.  While it might not be my most embarrassing moment, (I'd have to think on that one...) I do recall one thing he did we had a laugh about.

In 1989 the movie See No Evil, Hear No Evil starring Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor hit theaters.  Since I was 13 and it was rated R, my dad reluctantly agreed to take me and my friend Aaron to the movie.

While there was a lot of swearing, my dad was cool about it and we all sat and laughed at a great movie.

Then... it happened.

Gene Wilder's character breaks into a hotel room to try and steal back a coin the bad guys had in their possession.  When he can't find it in the room, he sneaks into the bathroom where one of the bad guys is showering.

It ends up the bad guy is actually a beautiful woman.  While he's digging through her stuff, she opens the shower door to reach out.  Her eyes are full of soap so she can't see him and as she's reaching around for something, he holds up the thing she's reaching for and hopes she doesn't open her eyes.

During the whole scene, my dad had reached over to put his hand over my eyes.  (Yeah my friend saw it... and I got grief for it later.)

My wife thought that was pretty funny.

So what did your dad do to embarrass you?  Tell us in the comments below and we'll randomly select one to win a pair of tickets to Mindframe Theaters on JFK Road behind Kennedy Mall.  (Hopefully nobody will cover your eyes during the movie!)  We'll even throw in a couple of lunch buffets to Bon Appetit Restaurant inside Mystique Casino!  Good luck!



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