We are in the last week of August which means people are starting to gear up for the fall ‘spooky’ season. One local farm spent their weekend doing just that.

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A popular fall activity is getting together with your friends, heading out to the corn field, getting lost, and finding your way out. Those up for a real challenge will do all this at night.

Townsquare Media; Kailey Foster
Townsquare Media; Kailey Foster

Over in Oelwein, Red Rock Farms is getting the finishing touches done on its corn maze ready for the fall season while also paying a community tribute.


Landon Kane, owner of Red Rocks Farm gave me a tour of the farm and of everything new this year. He said this year he decided to do another corn maze, but this time it is a tribute to a community member who recently passed away.

Red Rock Farms; Landon Kane

It's just an honor to be able to help carry on Andy and Beckett's legacy. It just brings so much joy knowing that that family can come out and see it- and hopefully, Brooke and the other kids can come out and be able to take a picture and use it to honor Andy and Beckett for the long term.

Andy and Backett Kaufman passed away in July 2021 after a barn collapsed. Andy's brother Derek helped Landon with the maze by plant

One of my good buddies Derek Kaufman lost his brother and his nephew. So the Andy and Beckett logo, we turned into a corn maze. And actually, Derek came out and planted himself for me.

The first corn maze on the farm was in 2021 and it said “Red Rock Farms 2021”. Red Rocks Farm is a unique farm. In 2021, the farm went from being your typical cow and corn operation to being what some call a zoo. During the fall, they hold their Fall Fest where people get to interact with the animals and walk the maze.

Photo Tour Through Red Rock Farms

Fall Fest is less than one month away at Red Rock Farms. Here's a behind the scene look at what visitors can expect!