Meet the Cast… Part 3!
Well, here's another exciting installment of my blog feature called Meet the Cast! As I've mentioned before, there are a number of people who pop by the studio for a variety of reasons. I'd like to introduce you to Jillaine and Erik Chaston...
So from time-to-time we have people actually call us and ask "can I work for free?" After doing a small end-zone type dance I pick the phone back up and answer... "hmmm, we might have room for you." Sometimes our interns are average at best and periodically they are terrible! Not in the case of Jillaine and Erik Chaston. They are by far the BEST interns I've ever had the pleasure of working with and I'm now proud to call them my friends.
First Jillaine. She is already a graduate of BYU with her degree in Jazz Studies. As if she hasn't had enough school, she's decided to re-enroll in their law program. Ultimately she would like to be an Entertainment Lawyer to help out other musicians who are navigating the sometimes shady world of music and entertainment. (I once got conned into doing a live broadcast in exchange for a box of Pop Tarts! Never again!) She is a very talented vocalist who has released a number of albums, including Jazzy Christmas to You!, II and III! Her other works include As American as Jazz, Scars on My Heart and others. She's currently in the process of producing and releasing her first jazz standards album. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, family, harp-est-ing (or whatever you would call that) and stopping by the Y105 studios to help co-host the Y105 Wake-Up. If you were to fill a bucket with actual talent, Jillaine's would surely be overflowing. (After reading this to our Production Director John, he was quick to remind me about Jillaine's great taste in fashion, too!)
Now Erik. If Jillaine is the personality of this family, Erik is surely the soft-spoken genius of the Chaston clan. Although he's not loud like most radio people, you can always see the wheel turning as you chat with him and he's very savvy when it comes to fixing anything... especially electronics. (I was suffering from a set of one-channel headphones and Erik miraculously got me working in stereo again! God bless this man!) Previously Erik has situated himself with our studio engineer Andy and has completed numerous projects and repairs to our studios. At BYU, Erik is currently studying business with an emphasis on in-supply-chain management (which is a fancy way of saying he's a guy who figures out a way to get something from point A to B to C). He's also very active as an audio engineer for BYU Television Sports Broadcasts and his sister's music production. In his spare time he loves building and fixing anything and everything, including old analog audio equipment!
If you'd like to learn more about this amazing duo, check out Jillaine's FACEBOOK page or her official WEBSITE.
Honorable mention goes to Erik and Jillaine's mom Dawn, who has graciously spoiled me with her delicious baking over the last 3 years, their sister Amy who has also stopped to help on the Y105 Wake Up, and their dad and brother Keith and Keith William, who round out this amazing family.
I know this blog is a little long. Thanks for checking it out.