One of the reasons we’re so excited for Rogue One is because it’ll introduce us to so much more of the Star Wars galaxy than we’ve seen before. The Force Awakens did this too, but there’s something different about Rogue One. It’s a part of the story we’ve all heard before, but it’ll show us loads of new worlds and characters that we’ve never met.

Today, Entertainment Weekly debuted a slew of new photos from the movie that give us a closer look at the Rebels, Darth Vader, and where, exactly, all the action is going to take place.

First, we have Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) with Senator Jebel (Jonathan Aris, raising his eyebrow), Senator Vaspar (Fares Fares), and golden-scarfed Senator Pamlo (Sharon Duncan-Brewster), with Genevieve O’Reilly’s Mon Mothma in the foreground.

And here’s the Rebel crew getting ready for battle, probably riveted by a stirring speech from Jyn.

There are also a couple of new shots of Darth Vader — so he’s probably in the movie for longer than a cameo scene or two — and two new locations that haven’t been see in the Star Wars movies before. Bottom left is Lah’mu, the planet that Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) takes his family to when he tries to escape the Empire, only to be found, as we can see, by Imperial Death Troopers soon after. Then, on the top right, we have a shot of an X-wing headed toward the Shield Gate, the one open spot on the Empire’s force-field wall they’ve built around the entire planet of Scarif, which they’re using as a kind of nuclear testing site. This is the planet we’ve seen in the trailers and posters where characters are running around a tropical beach.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is directed by Gareth Edwards and hits theaters December 16.

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