CBS moving Supergirl to The CW creates some interesting logistical questions for the series, now included in The CW’s upcoming Netflix deal, but it seems the DC drama will at least make itself at home on the new network before Season 2. The CW has officially scheduled its own abbreviated Supergirl run, leading straight into the October premiere.

Now that Supergirl has her official CW premiere slated for October 10, capping off a DC slate that runs four full nights a week, the network has begun building a new audience. Fresh off of Comic-Con 2016, Supergirl will begin anew on August 1, as The CW runs two hours of the first season each Monday, leading into Season 2 premiere “The Adventures of Supergirl.”

Meanwhile, in addition to the introduction of Tyler Hoechlin as Superman and Lynda Carter as this particular Earth’s POTUS, Supergirl Season 2 will cast several notable roles that include Lex Luthor’s sister Lena, DC police officer Maggie Sawyer and several others. Still unknown is if Supergirl Season 2 will introduce Superboy, given that mystery Season 2 cliffhanger, or how the Maiden of Might ends up in that epic four-way superhero crossover.

Supergirl has plenty other questions to answer on the road to Season 2, as well from Comic-Con 2016, but will Kara feel right at home on The CW?

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