T.I., Jill Scott, LL Cool J and More Call for a Stop to Modern Slave Trade in Libya
Recently CNN reported a story of young African men being sold into slavery in Libya. In the shocking footage, CNN reporters were able to capture a modern-day auction on film. The news spread like wildfire on social media and people all over the world have become outraged by the discovery.
T.I, LL Cool J, Pharrell, Faith Evans, Questlove and more are urging the world and America to help the people in Libya. Africans have been using Libya as a gateway to enter into Europe by sea with more than 150,000 people making the trip in the past three years. It is through this system that refugees have been preyed upon, taken, and then sold into slavery.
Refugees from several countries have made the journey with little money due to poverty and unemployment in their home countries. Because of Libya's security and financial issues, human trafficking, and smuggling have become a lucrative business.
T.I., who has been the most vocal, went on Twitter posted a series of tweets to express his outrage,"This is PURE EVIL!!!!! I'm LIVID!!!! Satin is BUSY as a muuufucka," T.I. wrote. "Spiritual Warfare in full effect.What side u on? Fight Back... Repost!!!! For more info just google "slave trade in Libya."
LL Cool J also expressed his outrage on social media in a tweet, "The slave trade in Libya must be stopped. The west used Military force to help the rebels remove Gaddafi. I believe that gives the West the moral obligation to get this country back on a healthy footing. Remove the slaveholders by force and help establish a stable leadership."
Jill Scott posted her outrage on social media urging President Donald Trump to take action, "LIBYA!!!! LIBYA!!!!! NOW!!!!! NOW!!! HUMAN BEINGS ARE BEING SOLD, BEATEN, STOLEN FROM THEIR FAMILIES INTO SLAVERY, MURDERED @Potus- ACT NOW!!!!! Here’s your chance. ACT NOW!!!!!"
Check out the social media posts below.
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