Everyone knows Iron Man as the cornerstone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Sark, the man who plays Marvel’s Shellhead. But did you know before Downey got the role and Marvel started its cinematic universe, Tom Cruise wanted to play Tony Stark? At one point, Cruise considered starring in and producing an Iron Man movie. That’s just one of the Tom Cruise facts featured in the newest episode of You Think You Know Movies!

Before he dreamed of movie stardom, Tom Cruise wanted to be a priest; at age 14 he was even a student at a Franciscan seminary. But eventually Cruise transitioned to acting, where he found his true calling. He’s played many action heroes, but he’s also been a real-life hero on a few occasions; a few years ago, he witnessed a hit-and-run traffic accident in Los Angeles, and helped arrange for an ambulance to come and treat the injured driver. Then he followed the ambulance to the hospital; when the driver didn’t have insurance to pay for the emergency room visit, Cruise paid the $7,000 bill. What a guy.

‘You Think You Know Movies?’ is a ScreenCrush original series that dives deep into the cinematic worlds of your favorite movies and freeze frames a few tidbits you might not have known. We’ve already tackled Star Wars, The Avengers and Spider-Man, but far and away this Tom Cruise episode is our best one yet. Watch more installments of ‘You Think You Know Movies?’ below and let us know in the comments what movies we should cover next.

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