New ‘Uncharted’ Clip Recreates a Familiar Scene From the Game
Uncharted heads into theaters next month, and Sony has shared an extended clip to get us pumped. The two-and-a-half-minute sneak peek is an action-packed sequence that shows Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) falling out of a plane thousands of feet in the air.
The movie, directed by Ruben Fleischer, is an adaptation of the best-selling video game series of the same name. Holland's Nathan Drake is joined by mentor Victor “Sully” Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) and love interest Chloe Frazer (Sophia Ali) — together, they go on a perilous quest to find “the greatest treasure never found.”
IGN debuted the clip on their YouTube channel, where you can watch it below:
Finding himself in a precarious position dangling out of an aircraft, Nathan completes a series of dangerous maneuvers to propel himself back onto the plane. After all, the alternative is being jettisoned into the ocean below. Meanwhile, Sully and Chloe defend themselves from a group of particularly trigger-happy bad guys. When Nathan finally hauls himself back onto the airplane, he's met by a red car moving at full speed. “Oh, crap!” he mutters to himself before plummeting towards the water.
After several years of release delays, it’s exciting to see Uncharted in its final form. Those who have played the video games will be pleased to see that the film's style remains extremely faithful to the source material. It's also exciting to see Tom Holland lead another action movie in a role that isn’t Peter Parker. If the rest of the movie is anything like this preview clip, Uncharted fans can expect to be satisfied.
Uncharted debuts in theaters on February 18.
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