What is there to say?  A comedy genius is gone too soon.

I remember being younger and watching Mork & Mindy on television.  Even at a young age, I knew Robin Williams was a funny guy.

The World According to Garp, Moscow on the Hudson, Club Paradise, Dead Poets Society... as a radio personality, I would be crazy if I didn't mention Good Morning, Vietnam.  All classics.

Then I remember some movies with real dramatic turns.  Awakenings and The Fisher KingWhat Dreams May Come, Patch Adams and Jakob the Liar.    I remember thinking I would be very upset if Robin missed his Academy Award for Good Will Hunting.  (I still think it's his best performance.)

And comedy?  Good lord the comedy... Aladdin, The Birdcage, Flubber!  I still remember seeing Mrs. Doubtfire in the theater and laughing so hard I could barely breathe.  To this day me and my friends still walk into a room and belt out his trademark line "Helllllllooooooooo" from the movie.

Like the death of actor Chris Farley, I can only think of the comedy we will lose out on from his death.  I was really thinking I wouldn't be writing this post for another 25 years!

Gone too soon.

Thanks for the laughs, Robin.  Rest in peace.


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