James Gunn has some really good ideas, but his latest might just be the best yet. While answering a fan’s question on Twitter, the Guardians of the Galaxy director suggested that there’s one character from the films who deserves their own solo spinoff movie — and no, it’s not Baby Groot (although Baby Groot’s Outer Space Adventures sounds like a pretty dope Pixar short, to be honest).

Even better: It’s Nebula, the genetically-modified adopted sister of Gamora and daughter of Thanos, played by Karen Gillan:

Unfortunately, while Marvel obviously values his opinions, Gunn doesn’t have the power to make a Nebula solo movie happen. Marvel isn’t even releasing their first female-fronted solo superhero movie — Captain Marvel — until 2019, and we’ve been taunted with the idea of a Black Widow movie for years now. On top of that, the studio has their current slate planned through 2020, with no room to throw a Nebula movie into the mix.

Still, it’s a great idea for a studio that’s becoming more diverse — a solo film about a complex protagonist with a villainous past who also happens to be a blue and purple-skinned, genetically-modified alien woman. And Gunn’s suggestion is not a completely bonkers concept. While speaking with IGN back in 2014, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige acknowledged that Nebula has had several different roles and participated in various storylines in Marvel Comics — which means she could easily crossover in the MCU:

If people know the comic lore, Nebula has a lot of varying different roles to play over the course of a lot of different titles in the comics. We have somebody like Karen, and you have a look that is so weird and so great. I think that’s something we’d all like to see again.

Nebula has an expanded role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which hits theaters on May 5, 2017. That film is bookended by the hyper-mystical, inter-dimensional Doctor Strange this November, and next fall’s Thor: Ragnarok, which takes place almost entirely in the outer realms — with Marvel inching further into worlds beyond our own and embracing more diversity, a Nebula movie seems like a possibility…eventually.

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