Sex trafficking is a worldwide issue that affects millions of women.  Sadly, many women suffer silently with no one to turn to for help.  Thanks to Zazou’s Bridal Boutique, now there is a way to help.

Zazou’s Bridal Boutique is holding their first-ever 'Elegantees Trunkshow' on Saturday, December 6th from 10 to 5pm.

Elegantees is a team of friends in New York City that give their time and talent to help restore women that have been rescued from sex trafficking.  In providing sewing work, they give a positive source of income that reinforces independence and confidence.

Stop down to Zazous to try on and purchase items from Elegantees.  You’ll be giving back to the community and helping an organization that does so much for women.

For more info you can visit the Zazou’s Bridal Boutique WEBSITE or FACEBOOK PAGE.  You can also call them at 563-213-2049.

To learn more about Elegantees, visit their OFFICIAL WEBSITE.

Do your part.  Stop by and help.


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