Ok.  Right off the bat I'm going to lose half of the people reading this.  Bodily functions are funny.

I'm not sure at what age you realize it, but at some point in your childhood you figure out that farts are hilarious.

Our son, Jacob, has suddenly become aware of bodily functions.  "Poop, pee" and "fart" have become a staple in his vernacular.

We stopped by for dinner at one of our usual spots the other night and Jacob quickly took to working on his place mat.  Me and mom are always so pleased to see him furiously practicing his spelling of letters and numbers he's learned at school.

Not to pat ourselves on the back too much, but he really is bright.

Then we took a gander at his effort.

The results of Jacob's hard work
The results of Jacob's hard work.

That's right, eight "poops" and two "pees."

While I try to look stern and explain why it's not polite to write such things, the six year old boy in me still made me chuckle.

Mom used to try and tell him not to do it, but now she usually just rolls her eyes and goes back to what she's doing.

What can I say?  It must be a boy thing.


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