Ok, this one is a little out there, but yesterday my friend Sadie sent me a message that I thought I should share.

Apparently there is an endangered whooping crane that is living behind Buffalo Wild Wings off the Northwest Arterial.

Sadie is an animal lover and is very concerned for it's well being.  Because it is living in the wooded area behind the restaurant, Sadie says the DNR is not able to rescue it.  (I have not spoke to the DNR, so I'm unable to confirm this.)

The crane frequents the restaurant dumpsters and Sadie says she's worried with all the fast moving cars in the area, it could be injured or killed.

According to Sadie, the bird was tagged in Madison and somehow made it down to Dubuque.  She says it is a rare bird and is still baby aged.  They nicknamed the bird Kevin because it reminds them of the cartoon bird in the movie 'Up.'

So, if you see Kevin, slow down.



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