You lied to me, Shrek 4 poster. YOU LIED TO ME!!!


C’mon guys! It doesn’t even look like the title of this movie is Shrek 4 or Shrek Forever After; it looks like this is a movie about Shrek called The Final Chapter. And for a while it was; this last Shrek movie came out in 2010 and since then, he’s been as quiet as an ogre can be (DreamWorks made a Puss in Boots spinoff in the interim). But with NBCUniversal acquiring DreamWorks it now appears that Shrek’s final chapter is being downgraded to a semifinal one.

In an article on the DreamWorks/Universal deal, The Hollywood Reporter says that a fifth Shrek movie (Shrek Fivever After?) is now in the works. According to THR, the arrangement between Universal and DreamWorks calls for two animated movies a year; 2019’s offerings will be Shrek 5 and a film from director Edgar Wright titled Shadows.

(Side note: Ooh, an Edgar Wright animated movie! Previously, the movie was described as “centered around the concept of shadows.” So the title is very accurate.)

No word on whether Mike Myers will reprise his role as Shrek, or if Eddie Murphy will return to play his mischievous donkey sidekick. The only thing that’s known for sure is that the Shrek 4 poster is now a flat-out falsity. EVERYTHING I BELIEVED ABOUT THAT MOVIE IS RETROACTIVELY INVALIDATEDSomehow, I will endure.


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