Tom DeLonge Used to Look for Bigfoot on Blink-182 Tours
We all know Tom DeLonge, formerly of Blink-182, is obsessed with UFOs, but Bigfoot? Yeah, he's into that too and even used to go looking for the elusive creature on tour.
As a guest on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, drummer Travis Barker explained that DeLonge's fascination with UFOs and Bigfoot was constant during his time in the pop-punk band. "We used to get loaded and just look out the bus window [for UFOs]," he said, continuing, "and I used to do it with him — it was kind of a bonding experience."
"With Tom that was his thing — fucking let's get high and look for UFOs. So we would. We'd just sit there and like stare out the bus window and look at UFOs," Barker reiterated.
Then came the reveal that UFOs weren't DeLonge's only interest. "He would even go as far as when we were on tour [to be] like, 'Let's go and fucking look for Bigfoot.' Whatever it was. And he would assemble a crew and they would go do it," the drummer recalled.
While he placated DeLonge's search for UFOs from the tour bus window, Barker abstained from the Bigfoot searches. "He never got me on one of those trips because that was just too fairytale for me," he admitted, noting, "It's really not something he just [recently] got into — from the day I fucking met him he was obsessed with UFOs and aliens and he was always very passionate about it to the point where I didn't know enough to have any kind of I guess, like, opinion on it."
Barker mentioned he talked to DeLonge recently and DeLonge told him, "I'm on my way to the fucking White House, bro," to which the drummer replied, "As you should be."
As for his own beliefs, Barker confessed, "I feel like it could be real, I believe, but I can't fucking — I'm not dedicating my life to search for it. I give it to him, man, to, like, honestly to walk away from your very successful band to go do that shit... I have nothing but respect for his passion. But it's like, I couldn't do that. It really shows he's very, very passionate about it."
In late 2017, DeLonge released an allegedly declassified video of a UFO that quickly went viral. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson also released a statement, essentially calling the footage a joke.
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