Whether or not you realize it, you might have some treasures in your home in the form of vintage toys. All across the country, shops that specialize in appraising and purchasing classic toys of all varieties have been popping up. The collector market is vast, and one man in particular is coming to Dubuque to get his hands on some of your items.

That man is Joel Magee, known as "America's Toy Scout." Magee, who has made appearances on popular shows like Pawn StarsModern Marvels, and MeTV's Collector's Call, will be at the Hampton Inn on Dodge Street in Dubuque on July 25th - 27th. He wants people with vintage toys (1980s or older) to come by with their items where he'll be making cash offers to take some old treasures off your hands.

Joel Magee, as well as his partner/road manager Jeff Schriefer, were kind enough to call into the studio and chat about their upcoming appearance at the Hampton Inn. Magee has been collecting for over 30 years, and Schriefer, whose background is in antique toys and collectibles, has been with him on the road for the last several years touring the country.

Speaking to the Dubuque event, Joel talked about the wide range of toys him and Jeff are looking to buy:

We want everybody to dig out their attics and closets and find those old toys that have been collecting cobwebs. Bring them out and we'd love to buy them. A lot of people say, 'what exactly are you looking for?' We're looking for vintage toys, so basically 1980s and older [....] It could be old Hot Wheels [....] Matchbox [....] trains, cowboys stuff, and Transformers, Star Wars, Masters of the Universe, video games [....] I just say bring everything. If it's old, bring it.

Joel Magee on "Pawn Stars." Photo Credit: America's Toy Scout, YouTube
Joel Magee on "Pawn Stars." Photo Credit: America's Toy Scout, YouTube

Jeff Schriefer added that one of the coolest finds of late was an arsenal of Transformers toys someone brought them to sell. The lot was absolutely incredible:

The coolest thing that we bought was a collection of 1980s Transformers, all in the box, unopened. There was about nine boxes worth of stuff, and it was absolutely incredible. I mean, nine huge U-Haul boxes full of almost every Transformer that was ever made. It was incredible.

America's Toy Scout event at the Hampton Inn is completely free to attend. No ticket required. Come as you are, bring one or more items, and you could be leaving with cash-in-hand. Joel and Jeff will be at the hotel from 10am - 5:30pm on July 25th and 26th and from 9:30am - 4pm on July 27th.

Find out more about Joel Magee on his official website! Take a listen to my interviews with both him and Jeff Schriefer below!

Joel Magee Interview:

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Jeff Schriefer Interview:

attachment-!Radio Interview Banner

MORE: See 30 toys that every '90s kid wanted


SEE: 30 Toys That Defined the '70s

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