“At Your Age”
For the most part I try to take care of myself.
Like everyone else, during COVID-19 I have missed more workouts than I'd like to admit and I've definitely been eating more.
Monday I saw my regular doctor. He really is great.
He asked me about everything. Am I taking my blood pressure pills? Am I exercising?
I'll be 45 in November and I take inventory of every ache and pain I have. When I see the doctor I usually unload all of it on him.
"Well, at your age..." is sometimes how he starts his answer.
Today I saw my eye doctor. He's also great.
I've noticed over the last few years my eyes don't focus on my computer as quickly as they used to and sometimes I see spots.
"At your age..." was how he started his spiel about how my eyes are changing.
Next Monday I go for a follow up with my dermatologist. I recently had a skin exam to check the spots on my body, just to be safe. (I had a grandfather die of melanoma. Even if you don't have a history in your family, it's smart to get anything funky looking checked out.)
At my age, who knows what she's going to find!
Enjoy your youth!
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