Battling The Bulge During COVID-19? You’re Not Alone!
Did you pack on a few pounds during quarantine? It's been a tough time for everybody.Gyms were forced to shut down and many of us spent the extra time and home cooking delicious meals for our families.
I've even heard people joking about putting on a "COVID 15" during their recent lockdown.
What's worse, when schools closed and social activities ceased, most of our kids were spending more time laying around and snacking more.
Total Shape did a new survey and found the average American kid gained seven pounds during quarantine... and some even more!
Over 5,000 parents were polled and some states reported scary findings. Kids in New Jersey reported gaining an average 10.2 pounds!
Of course, this is a huge concern for over half of the parents surveyed.
According to the CDC, being overweight or obese puts anyone at a higher risk for diseases like diabetes and heart disease later in life.
Mom and Dad... it's time to get things back under control. Experts suggest establishing regular at-home exercise. Parents need to be strong and lead by example with both physical activity and cutting out junk food!
With the beautiful temps the last few days, get everyone out for a hike or bike ride!
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