Be Honest… Do You Make Your Bed?
A few of us were conversing around the lunch table this week.
You know how you can start on one topic and end up on another? Somehow our discussion turned into whether or not we make our beds.
Two of my coworkers said always. One person said sometimes. A lot of us said never.
I looked online and found a survey by hunch.com that said of almost 70,000 people, 59 percent said they never make their bed. 27 percent said they do.
I usually climb out of bed before my wife, so if I was looking to give you a legitimate excuse it would be that I can't make the bed while my wife is in it. Truth be told, I would probably still not make it even if she weren't there. The only time I think we actually make the bed is when we change the linens... otherwise we just pull up the blankets so the cats don't fart on our pillows.
Our son, Jacob, is also not told to make his bed. (We probably should be good parents and encourage him, huh?) He does have a strange habit of going to bed in the normal position (with his head at the top of the bed on his pillows), but a few days each week he does this 'fliparroo' thing where he turns his body completely upside down to where his head is at the foot of the bed. I guess we can ask you about that one in a different article.
So, what's your policy on making the bed. No judgement here... just sheer curiosity.
Side note... the survey also claimed people who made their bed in the morning are happier and more productive, so if you don't currently do it, you might want to give it a try.
~Chris Farber