Bird Is The Word
I saw something cool on the way home from work today.
I was running about 20 minutes early on my way to pick up my son, Jacob, from school.
I cross 16th Street a lot on the way to-and-from work and I've seen birds along the waterway before.
Today as I crossed Sycamore at 16th Street I was amazed at the amount of birds I saw out in the field across from the old Dubuque Packing Company lot.
I'm not a bird aficionado but I'm guessing these are a flock of Canadian Geese. I pulled my car in by the Bee Branch Pond and got out for a quick walk. The birds were eyeing me and quick to back up when I got too close, so I hung back and snapped a few pics.
I started at the far side and starting counting. I got to one hundred before realizing that there must be at least four or five hundred of them down there eating grass. While I was counting a guy in a Fed Ex truck pulled over and took a few pictures, too.
It was kind of a cool thing to see... you might want to make a point to drive by with the kids for a look if you're in the neighborhood, but no promises that they'll still be there!
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