Dubuque County Extension Celebrates National 4-H Week
This morning we visited with Georgia Miller, County Youth Coordinator for the Dubuque County Extension & Outreach about 'National 4-H Week!'
Living in the midwest, most of us have at least heard the phrase 4-H, but some might not know what they actually are or do.
Georgia says while many people associate the 4-H with the Dubuque County Fair, it's much more than that.
4-H is a youth organization for kids aged kindergarten through 12th grade who can participate in a wide variety of activities and projects. Sewing to livestock, to food and nutrition, kids will learn a lot about midwest living.
4-H features monthly meetings with club members, workshops, and a lot of camps throughout the year, including a school's out camp, ultimately leading up to the Dubuque County Fair - a huge showcase to show what the 4-H kids do all year long!
So how is National 4-H Week being celebrated?
Georgia says this week is an opportunity to highlight the remarkable 4-H youth in our community. They'll be spending the week completing a number of daily challenges. Sunday they spent the day scavenging for pumpkins. They are also sharing their favorite memories and working on building their record of history in 4-H.
If you're a mom or dad that would like to get your kids involved with 4-H, enrollment is going on right now. Anyone in kindergarten through 3rd grade is able to join as a Clover Kid and will enjoy a lot of fun activities throughout the year. For kids in 4th to 12th grade, you can join as a 4-H member. Members have access to all sorts of resources and more than 50 project areas you can participate in.
If your children have been isolated during the pandemic, this is a great chance for your kids to have social involvement with other kids, too! Georgia says the clubs are based on where you live, so your kids might make friends with other kids that they don't normally see during their daily school day.
To learn more, you can visit Dubuque County 4-H on FACEBOOK, or email Georgia directly at georgia@iastate.edu and she'll give you all the info you need!
To see other events and programs coming up with the Dubuque County Extension & Outreach (including their Spooky Sciences Workshop on Friday, October 29th at 5pm), you can visit their FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.