Dubuque! Here’s How A Merge Lane Works!
Maybe I'm having that kind of day. If you don't know already, let me explain to you how a merge lane works.
A few weeks ago I felt it necessary to explain the right-of-way at a four way stop, but this is another one of those things that really aggravates me.
Coming up to a few intersections, you'll notice that after passing through the lights the two lanes quickly merge into one.
Sometimes there are only two or three cars waiting at the light and sure enough, somebody in a bigger hurry than you has to pull into the lane that is ending to speed around all the other cars and slide into the lane. Of course, a lot of people don't want to be passed, so there's usually a mini drag race to see who can beat the other to the merge in the road.
It's frustrating, right?
The idea of the merge lane is actually legit. It allows more cars to pass through an intersection with shorter light changes. Ideally, the person who is in the lane that is ending is supposed to slow and yield to the vehicles in the other lane, until they're allowed in.
If everyone would be patient and go every-other-car, the system would work really smooth. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who can't stand the thought of letting another driver get in front of them. Instead they pull up on the tail of the car in front of them, forcing the person in the merge lane to either speed up and pass everybody, or stop completely waiting for a car to let them in.
I always try to let at least one car squeeze in, but I can't stand the idiots who have to try to speed past three cars before merging, or speed 100 miles per hour when the light turns to speed by.
Be patient and polite. Use the merge lane properly and everything would move more efficiently on our city roadways.
~Chris Farber