Fly-By-Night Productions is closing its 40th season with a bang, in the form of a timely and urgent production of an original work from Alena Smith.

The New Sincerity by Alena Smith will be the final show of the production company's 40th season. It will begin its engagement at Five Flags Center on June 2nd, and run for consecutive weekends, including a matinee show on June 4th as well as multiple "talkback" shows that invite audiences to ask the performers and crewmembers questions following the performance.

The cast of "The New Sincerity." Photo Credit: Fly-By-Night Productions
The cast of "The New Sincerity." Photo Credit: Fly-By-Night Productions

All performances will take place in the Bijou Room of the Five Flags Center. Here is the plot of The New Sincerity, per Fly-By-Night's website:

In the office of a hip literary journal, Asymptote, we meet the young, idealistic and cynical, work-a-day staff, while outside in the public park a political protest ensues. When one of the protesters intrudes on the office, emotional conundrums begin. Is it an opportunity to participate in the defining activist movement of their generation or the difference between sincere action and skillful self-promotion? Entertaining, funny, thought provoking, the play enjoins us to enter the world of young working adults trying to figure out  what matters in life, against a backdrop of turbulent political times.

Kay Schroeder of Fly-By-Night was kind enough to partake in a phone interview about the play, where she gave insight into the play's hyper-current themes and spoke about the cast, which includes Chelsea Middendorf, Michael Storm, Logan Eigenberger, and Alannah Walker. The production is directed by Lynda Mackie.

Photo Credit: Fly-By-Night Productions
Photo Credit: Fly-By-Night Productions

Consider stopping by the Five Flags Center box office (Locust Street entrance) and purchasing tickets to see The New Sincerity while you have the opportunity! You can also purchase tickets online via Five Flags' website/Ticketmaster.

Take a listen to my interview with Kay Schroeder to learn more about The New Sincerity, the wonderful sponsors who made it possible, and what is in store for Fly-By-Night Productions after their 40th season!

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