Get Tested For COVID-19 For Free In Dubuque This Week
Do you think you might have COVID-19? Would you like to be tested? There is free testing site going on this week in Dubuque.
Epic Health and Wellness Clinic at 1075 Cedar Cross Road is hosting the event today (6/22) through Friday, June 26th.
Any Iowan who would like to be tested for COVID-19 at this location must first complete the Test Iowa assessment at www.testiowa.com. They will then be provided an identification number in order to schedule an appointment by calling Epic Health and Wellness at 563-583-6595. You must have an Iowa ID and your identification number in order to be tested.
There is no cost to individuals being tested and any Iowan who wants to be tested can be tested if you follow this procedure. A person does not need to be showing any symptoms.
Appointments must be made for testing and walk-ins are not allowed. Testing at the Epic Health and Wellness site will be conducted from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday.
Test results will be posted for the patients to access within approximately three business days. For more information, visit www.testiowa.com or call Test Iowa at 515-575-2131 or 844-844-1561 (toll free).
Stay healthy.