It's almost here! The 68th annual Dubuque County Fair!

Everything gets underway starting tomorrow morning (7/27) at 8am, but stopping by to drop off some equipment today I saw a lot of people getting things lined up already.

The 4-H building was buzzing, vendors were setting up shop and the ride people were putting up all your favorites!

I thought I could prep you up each day this week with what you should watch for, so let me get you set up for opening day tomorrow... Tuesday, July 27th!

Tomorrow will be 'Free Day,' which means there is FREE admission all day! The grounds will open at 8am and things will pick up right away with judging of some of the livestock with the 4-H and FFA.

At 10am the Fairgounds folks will open up the 4-H building exhibits and the Creative Arts building. You can also look for magician John Green doing the first of his three shows under the Hy-Vee Big Top. (His other performances are at noon and 4pm.)

At 11am the exhibit hall will open. You can see the Carve R Way Chainsaw artist and the Reptile Adventures.

At 12:30pm you can see the 4-H/FFA dairy cows in the livestock arena.

From 1 to 5pm there will be bingo across from the grandstands.

At 1:30pm they'll be scanning swine for the derby show in the swine barn.

At 2pm you might want to check back in for Reptile Adventures on the exhibit grounds or watch the Xtreme Dance performance under the Hy-Vee Big Top.

Master Hypnotist Jim Wand will do a show at 3pm under the Hy-Vee Big Top. (He'll also do shows at 5 and 7pm.)

At 4pm the carnival rides from North American Midway Rides will open. Any and all rides for opening day will be 1 ticket each from 4 to 11pm. (There's no age limit and tickets will be $2 each.)

Dubuque Dance will be performing at 4pm on the Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden, too.

At 6pm it's the open Sheep & Goat show in the Livestock Arena and an opening ceremony under the Hy-Vee Top.

At 7pm there is a free show with Carl Acuff Jr., Wichita Lineman: A Glen Campbell Tribute.

At 8pm you can enjoy a cold beverage with your friends while BMW Music jams your favs on the Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden. (Mom and dad... maybe set the kids loose with a handful of ride tickets so you can enjoy yourself for a bit?!?!)

All that fun... and that's just day #1! For info on everything happening this week, visit the Dubuque County Fairgrounds website!

We'll be broadcasting live with more details from the midway this week, so stop by and say hello!

~Chris Farber


KEEP READING: 50 activities to keep kids busy this summer

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