Help Assure Tri-State Kids Have Food in Their Bellies This Christmas
Many children in Dubuque and the larger Tri-State area rely on preschool/school lunch programs in order to get one of their few meals a day. When kids go on their annual winter break, those two weeks put an added strain on parents to make sure they have something in their bellies.
Enter Danielle Meyer and "Belly Bags," a thoughtful food collection campaign designed to keep kids fed during their multiweek winter break!
Even though it's merely the beginning of the Christmas season, I've already had a couple people tip me off about the Belly Bags program. I got in contact with Danielle Meyer and invited her in studio to discuss how to donate and what type of snacks and food items she's looking for.
What are Belly Bags?:
Intended for kids ages 3-to-5-years-old, Belly Bags are designed to make sure young kids have something on which they can munch when schools are closed and not serving their usual meals, Meyer says:
These bags are kind of just a quick go-to [....] applesauce, Goldfish, something to keep [their] belly full. The hot stuff is great, [like] soup cups and Chef Boyardee. [It's] something to keep their bellies warm when it's cold.
How Can You Donate?:
For those looking to donate fruit cups, oatmeal, granola bars, or other comparable items, you can do one of two things. You can contact Meyer directly (her contact info is listed below), or you can make a donation at White Front Feed & Seed in Dubuque on Dodge Street. White Front will also take monetary donations and hold them for Meyer to purchase food herself.
Meyer noted that she is getting bags together for significantly more students than last year:
This year, we have 190 kids [receiving a Belly Bag], so it's the most that [we've] ever had. I do take cash donations and gift cards, and White Front is able to take those for you.
When is the Belly Bag Rollout?:
With the help of friends, her own children, and law enforcement, Meyer plans to hit the road on December 20th, 2022 to distribute the Belly Bags. She will cease accepting donations on December 14th in order to prepare for the drop-off date. Furthermore, she is also having a giveaway for those kind enough to donate! Find out more about that in the interview below...
If you want to arrange a donation drop-off with Meyer personally, you can reach her at 563-451-9449. Or visit Belly Bags' Facebook group for more information!
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