I'm apologizing to Dubuque now. I'm gonna beat the snot out of that place so bad, you're gonna have to take pills when I'm done with you. It's gonna hurt for a solid week. I'm gonna crush it, and you're gonna be disappointed if you miss it. I'll see you [June 16th]! - Jim Breuer

Jim Breuer is quite the renaissance man. He's an actor, a Saturday Night Live alum, a podcast host, and on the list of Comedy Central's "100 Greatest Standups of All Time." Long before podcasting was even a thing, he was a regular on The Howard Stern Show, and his SNL skits, such as "The Joe Pesci Show," continue to be touchstones.

Jim Breuer is Coming to Dubuque!:

Ahead of his debut at the Five Flags Center in Dubuque on Friday, June 16th, Breuer was kind enough to do a phone interview. We talked about his podcast, Jim Breuer's Breuniverse, his love of storytelling in comedy, and other points in his long, successful career.

What is Jim Breuer's Approach to Comedy?:

Breuer is not only a comedian and SNL alum. He saw great success on the radio, in the form of The Howard Stern Show, and is of course famous for being the co-lead in the Dave Chappelle stoner comedy Half Baked. His brand of humor revolves around relatability, which he stresses is the reason why he's so beloved as a comic:

I never was a Hollywood guy. I've always just been a family blue collar guy. I just happen to make it here and do okay. But my surroundings, my circle is still blue collar. I still live with relatability. A lot of people feel the same way. A lot of people have certain emotions about whatever is going on in the world, in the country, in their lives, in their personal lives. The best way to exploit all that is through humor. Humor is the beginning of healing of everything.

My Interview with Jim Breuer:

It was a true pleasure to chat with Breuer ahead of his show at Five Flags Center. Take a listen to it below, and get your tickets to his Dubuque show on Five Flags' official website. Learn more about Jim Breuer on his official website!

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