A New Boozy Beverage Uses Corn from Iowa’s Field of Dreams
When at a Dubuque liquor store yesterday, a display stand designed like a baseball uniform caught my eye almost immediately. After noticing the pinstripes, it didn't take long for me to recognize the Field of Dreams logo emblazoned on the standee and the product itself.
Liquor is such an enormous industry, and new products are coming out so frequently that to try and sample all of them would likely cause cirrhosis. I was in a bit of a rush, so I didn't pick up the product, but I was curious enough to find more about it. This new beverage has an indispensable connection not only to Iowa but to one of the most famous movie sites in America!
A Taste from Iowa's Most Famous Cornfield:
Field of Dreams Southpaw, a new craft cocktail, is aiming to catch a bit of the buzz that's been brought on by other canned cocktails on the market. Crown Royal and Jack Daniels' premixed beverages have been growing in popularity, and while the Field of Dreams doesn't have the established brand new in the beverage space, this product has one major unique element to it.
The box and the can itself proclaim that the beverage was made "From the most famous cornfield in the world." That's right. Southpaw is made with corn from the Field of Dreams. The beverage itself contains whiskey and is billed as a whiskey and ginger cocktail, with notes of lemon and citrus to enhance the flavor profile.
There's Also a Limited Edition Bourbon:
Some additional research led me to discover that Southpaw isn't the only product the company, known as Field of Dreams Whiskey Company, makes. They also make a limited edition bourbon. So far, there are only 22,860 bottles in circulation (one for every player in Major League Baseball history, the website claims):
The first release of Field of Dreams Bourbon yielded 22,860 bottles - one for every player in major league history, making it a truly collectible bottle.
There are dozens of hands that touch each bottle of Field of Dreams Bourbon before it gets to you.
From the farmer in Iowa all the way to the person numbering the bottle by hand, each step of the way takes care to ensure your bourbon is special.
Where Can You Find It?:
As of this writing, both Southpaw and Field of Dreams Whiskey are only available in Iowa and Indiana, as well as on the company's website. The good news is, if you live in Dubuque or the Tri-States, you won't have to go very far. According to the product locator, about a dozen stores in Dubuque carry either/both Southpaw and the Field of Dreams Whiskey!
While I do wish I would've found out about the whiskey and ginger cocktail earlier in the summer, I'm excited to try Southpaw the next time I venture out for a cold one. Find out more about the Field of Dreams Whiskey Company and their products on their website.
And here's hoping the MLB returns to the Field of Dreams sooner rather than later!
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