Now’s Your Chance To Join The Dubuque County Fair Board
Every year I hear people complaining about things surrounding the Dubuque County Fair. This is your chance to finally have some input in what's happening there.
Kevin Kotz is the General Manager for the Dubuque County Fairgrounds. He stopped by the Y105 studio this morning to discuss the Fair Board and your current opportunity to run for a seat on it.
I told Kevin he and his staff did a tremendous job with the fair last month. While many people say "thanks" and "good job," a lot of people can be very critical of the events and attractions the fair offers. Kevin says he has an open door policy and is always happy to discuss any part of the Fair with anyone.
He also mentioned that right now the Dubuque County Fair Board is also taking applications for folks who would like to run for a seat on the Fair Board.
The Fair Board is a 24-Board Member team who help design a plan and implement all aspects of the Annual County Fair, fund raising events and other large events at the Fairgrounds and Event Center.
The 24-Member Team also volunteers their time and talents not only the week of the Fair but throughout the year.
If you're interested, you must be a resident of Dubuque County and be at least 18 years of age. You must contact Kevin or any current member of the Fair Board to express your interest in running for a seat and turn in an application. The application must be turned in by September 14th! You'll also have to be in attendance at the board meeting that night at 7pm to introduce yourself and to explain why you'd like to be on the board.
If you get nominated through the process and are included on the ballot, you will have to return for the public elections on October 19th at 8pm.
If you have kids who are passionate about the Dubuque County Fairgrounds, they can apply to be an associate member or a Junior Board Member.
For more information, simply call Kevin or Dee in the Fairgrounds office at 563-588-1406 or get more at the Fairgrounds WEBSITE.
Kevin says there is a lot going on at the fairgrounds, including this weekend! Saturday they're hosting a benefit ride. Sunday they have their last weekly races with the championship races. Sunday and Monday night they host a big-band dance in the ballroom from 6 to 9pm!
An easy way to keep up with events is to pop by the Dubuque County Fairgrounds FACEBOOK PAGE.
My thanks again to Kevin for visiting this morning.
~Chris Farber