Older People Have Fun, Too!
I would like to think I'm going to live to be one hundred and five before I finally take off for that big radio studio in the sky. If I do live that long, I hope I'm able to enjoy life to the fullest.Case in point, 94 year old Michael Graham.
He's from Choctaw, Oklahoma and is a great-grandfather. He's also a United States Army Air Corps veteran.
Over the 4th of July weekend, he decided he wanted to take a quick slide down the family waterslide... and with the help of his family, he did.
It's not everyday you see a 94 year old guy on the slide, so the local news folks at KWTV picked up on the story and soon it went viral.
Michael was featured on national TV which included an appearance on the Today Show.
You're never too old to have fun!