While we Midwesterners are incredibly fortunate that hurricanes are impossible in our region, it no less causes many of us to pause whenever one strikes the coastal areas of the United States. The devastation brought on by your average hurricane or tropical storm is incalculable. Lives lost, homes destroyed, and ordinarily beautiful sectors of the country are left in ruins with a murky path forward.

I've lived in the Midwest my entire life, so I know the generosity that exists in this often underrated enclave of the States. In light of the darkness plaguing Floridians, I decided to do some research and compile some ways Iowans and Tri-Staters alike can help victims of Hurricane Ian. Here are just a few helpful ways you can do something positive:

Big thanks to We Are Iowa for the assist with this research!

Photo Credit: Joe Raedle, Getty Images
Photo Credit: Joe Raedle, Getty Images

Donate to the American Red Cross:

The American Red Cross makes online donations super simple. When filling out your denomination and debit/credit card information, you can select if you want the money to go to Hurricane Ian victims specifically. Or, if you want to donate via check, you can write "Hurricane Ian" in the memo line along with a donation form.

You can also take a peek at the Iowa chapters of the Red Cross here!

Photo Credit: Joe Raedle, Getty Images
Photo Credit: Joe Raedle, Getty Images

Florida Disaster Fund:

The Florida Disaster Fund is the State of Florida’s official private fund established to assist Florida’s communities as they respond to and recover during times of emergency and/or disaster. They've been a stalwart supporter of Floridians through countless crises and will undoubtedly do the same under these new yet familiar circumstances.

Donations to the Florida Disaster Fund can be made at this link, or via a check, addressed to Volunteer Florida Foundation at 1545 Raymond Diehl Road, Suite 250, Tallahassee, FL 32308.

Project Hope:

Project HOPE responds to disasters and health crises around the world, providing immediate relief. More specifically, they provide medicine, supplies, and training for health workers aiding in Hurricane Ian relief.

Donations can to Project HOPE can be made safely and securely via their website.

Once again, these are just some of the notable and honorable charities working to help Floridians in lieu of massive devastation. Other charities, like Salvation Army, are doing the exact same thing. Take a look at We Are Iowa's comprehensive list or consider making a donation to one of the listed organizations yourself.

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