We're all eager to get back to our old life... you know, pre-pandemic. One of the things I miss most is sitting down and enjoying a meal with my whole family.

Me and my wife were discussing this last night and at the same time said "remember the ugly Mickey Mouse pancake?"

We both laughed.

I won't say the restaurant where it happened as they always have great food and service.

BUT... when you order a Mickey Mouse pancake you probably have some expectations as to what you're gonna get, right? A big center pancake with two smaller, round pancake ears. Maybe some chocolate chip eyes and a bacon mouth?

Not this time. Take a look!

Mickey Mouse Pancake?
Mickey Mouse Pancake?

Disturbing, yes. Delicious? Well... according to my son, Jacob, it was very good and he cleaned his plate.

We still laugh about this breakfast.

Man... I sure do miss morning laughs like this with my family.

~Chris Farber


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