Paying high interest rates on your loans? Worried about how you're going to afford all those holiday gifts this year? DuTrac Community Credit Union can help.

Jason Norton stopped by the studio today to tell us about some of the happenings at DuTrac Community Credit Union.

Currently there are 13 locations - soon to be 14 with the addition of a location in the Bettendorf/Middle Road area in the Quad Cities. They hope to open the doors there in June of 2022.

With so many locations, I asked Jason if he had any idea how many staff members they employed. He said about 120.

Hoping to stump him, I asked if he had any idea how many members their currently were at DuTrac Community Credit Union. In a stroke of luck, he mentioned that he just saw the number... an impressive 48,970 members!

So what does it take to be a member? Easy peasy! Stop into any location and drop $5 into a savings account. This counts as your share in the credit union. Since DuTrac is member owned, that's all it takes to reap the rewards of all their member benefits and services!

DuTrac's Member Advantage allows members to bring their high-interest loans from other places to try to save you money. (This does not apply to certain loans, like mortgages and home equity loans, so stop by a DuTrac location for full details.)

If things are looking tight moneywise this holiday season, DuTrac features their "Skip A Pay," allowing members to skip a payment for their loans.

They'll be launching a new website soon, which will feature a better user experience for their members and some great online banking features, so keep an eye out for that soon.

In the meantime, you can stop into any location, call 563.582.1331 or hit their current website for more information.

If you'd like to hear our entire visit, take a listen below.

Our thanks to Jason. Save yourself some time and money and see what DuTrac Community Credit Union can do for you!


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