“Toaster Trivia” Is Changing… For The Better!
From time-to-time we gotta change things up. In this instance it's a good thing!
Every weekday morning at 7am I pop down a piece of bread in my toaster and ask a caller three basic trivia questions while I make my breakfast.
If the caller gets two-of-the-three questions right I make them a winner.
Most days my caller is successful. In fact, some days my contestant only needs two of the questions.
Normally I take the third question and move it down for another day... that is, until now!
More and more listeners have been finding the advantages of using our Y105 Mobile App. You can listen live anywhere, use the chat feature to talk with whoever is on the air... and now, you can win contests.
My plan from here on out is simple. If my "Toaster Trivia" caller only needs two questions to win I will then ask the 3rd question and pick a random listener that submits the correct answer through the 'chat' feature on our Y105 Mobile App to win an additional prize.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
What's better? You'll want to be using our app in the next few weeks since you could WIN CASH by using it.
Yep, you heard me right! WIN CASH very soon with our Y105 Mobile App.
Find it in the marketplace for your iOS or Android devices, or I'm attaching a quick link here! (If you're already using the mobile app you won't actually see the link... good for you!)

What are you waiting for? It's a fun and easy way for you to win with Y105!
~Chris Farber
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