University of Dubuque, Northeast Iowa School of Music Planning New Music Festival
Springtime means sunshine, a return to local parks, and a plethora of gatherings capitalizing on the warmer weather. With more pleasant temperatures right around the corner, two schools have teamed up to give the Dubuque community something to smile about in the form of a free concert/music festival!
The University of Dubuque and Northeast Iowa School of Music will host Treble Fest on Sunday, April 16, 2023 from 2 to 5pm, at Westminster Presbyterian Church (2155 University Avenue).
The new music festival will conclude with a free public concert presentation at 4 p.m. with Heartland Harmony, University of Dubuque Treble Singers, and collaborative performances featuring Treble Fest participants singing in massed chorus with both choral groups, per a press release about the event.
Treble Fest is open to all high school, college, and adult treble-voiced singers. Participants will have an opportunity to work with music professionals Kristen Eby, MM, head of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts, director of choral activities, and assistant professor of music at UD; Jill Klinebriel, adjunct music instructor at UD; and Terry Slade, MM, vocal instructor at NISOM and director of Heartland Harmony. Participants will also be able to collaborate with Heartland Harmony and University of Dubuque Treble Singers.
Designed to empower and encourage lifelong singing, Treble Fest welcomes all who sing in the treble range to participate. The festival will celebrate the joys of singing in a fun and nurturing environment. No formal music training is necessary to participate.
The $10 per participant registration fee includes the workshop, printed choral music, and an afternoon snack. Participants are asked to bring a black three-ring binder and water bottle. Performance attire is concert black.
Visit University of Dubuque's website to register as a participant. For more information contact Kristen Eby at KEby@dbq.edu.
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