Tomorrow night is the 'Wing Bowl 3' championship inside the Cabaret Room at Mystique Casino! The event starts at 7 p.m. and will feature the top three eaters from each of our four qualifying events (12 total). The guy (they're all dudes) who eats the most weight in chicken wings wings $1,000 and is crowned WING BOWL 3 CHAMPION!

This event will feature last year's winner (Kyle "The Hammer" Hanner from St. Louis, MO) and last year's runner-up (Sean "2 Dolla" Nichols from Green Bay, WI) in addition to Dubuque eaters including retired professional eater, Aaron "A-Train" Osthoff and the guy who ate 3.02 lbs of chicken in 5 minutes (the most of any qualifier) - Drake "The Jaws of Glory" Tilton! It should be a GREAT competition!

We'll also have a $1,000 prize for the winning "Wing'ette' for the Money" competitor! Four ladies will compete in a series of events to determine our winning Wing'ette'!

The best part for YOU is someone in the audience will WIN A FLAT-SCREEN TV! The event is free and starts at 7 p.m. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!

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