What’s Better Than Breakfast?
What's better than breakfast? Breakfast for supper!
Don't get me wrong. I love having breakfast, but doing the morning show time is usually tight so it's hard to do scrambled eggs and bacon before work.
On Saturday mornings I usually make an egg sandwich with toast, an egg, a slice of cheese and a piece of deli ham.
Sundays we usually meet up with Pops for a nice breakfast at one of our usual stomps and I usually get eggs, hash browns and corned beef hash. Occasionally I like a pancake, too.
Every couple of weeks me and my wife like to have breakfast for supper. Last night we made a tube of biscuits my mom was trying to get rid of, so we threw on some eggs, cheese and ham and chowed down.
Sometimes my wife makes her delicious french toast, and other nights we all enjoy a bowl of cereal.
How about your family? Do you ever have breakfast for dinner? What's your favorite breakfast food?
~Chris Farber