Who’s the new guy at Y105?
It's time to introduce that new voice on your radio
If you've listened to Y105 over the past couple of weeks, you've likely heard a new voice with which you're not familiar.
That voice would be mine! My name is Steve Pulaski, and I'm privileged to be the new morning show host on Y105. As I thought about the best possible way to begin writing and supplying you with information about things happening in the area, I figured... "well, let me first introduce myself."
I'm very new to Dubuque and the larger Tri-States area, having just moved from Peru, IL a couple of weeks ago. I've lived in Illinois my entire life, originally hailing from Westmont, IL, a beautiful town roughly 30 minutes west of Chicago. I've worked in radio for three and a half years, so to have this opportunity to continue in a much larger area is not something I take for granted.
Anyone who works in radio will tell you there's a lot of moving that comes with this career. Hopping from place to place in a short amount of time seems like the least sexy thing on the planet to me. I moved to Dubuque with many goals in mind. One of the biggest was making this area home for years to come.
With the help of some seriously friendly coworkers and other people I've happened to meet during my short time, I've happened upon some great eateries and some fun experiences. After having spent a few years in a predominately rural area, Dubuque just feels bigger in many ways. It's a city where something seems to be happening every day and night of the week.
Even on move-in day, I began my day in Illinois, drove to Iowa, unpacked my stuff, and then dropped off the U-Haul truck I rented in Wisconsin. In a way, it was surreal to see how close I am to three different states!
In just a couple of weeks, I've been able to interview a couple individuals who work closely with making sure there is something to do in Dubuque. I can't wait to check out the Mississippi River Museum, for one, and I've already enjoyed a meal at the much-recommended Copper Kettle.
So far, it's been a wonderful start for myself and my two cats, Siskel and Ebert (I'm a big movie fan). We're acclimating to the hilly terrain and the new state of Iowa the best we can. When I'm not behind a microphone, you can likely find me at the movie theater, trying a new restaurant, or simply spending time with friends or family in the community.
Otherwise, you know exactly where to find me, 6-10am on Y105. And online anytime!