Win A Remote Start With Remote Start & Stereo On Y105!
The Tristates got hit with a one-two punch last week! So we're teaming up with Remote Start & Stereo for another "Last Shall Be First" giveaway!
Winter sucks! Especially if you don't have a garage to keep your vehicle clean and warm.
Our friends at Remote Start & Stereo can hook you up with a remote start for your ride.
In fact, they gave us one to give away to one lucky winner! Imagine it... a warm car on a cold morning! In the summer... it's a cool car on a hot day!
So here's the catch. You have to comment on our post on the Y105 Facebook page and be the LAST person to comment when we stop at a predetermined time. So comment... a lot! You don't know when we'll stop, but you don't want to be left out in the cold without our car starter, valued at $285!
We'll let you see the exact time we're stopping when the contest ends... sometime later this week!
If you're interested in getting a new remote start in your ride, call Remote Start & Stereo at 563-543-2894 today!
Good luck!
~ Chris Farber / Y105